Ladies, we’ve all been on a dead end date. However, this week we’re reliving some unpleasant memories, as we look at the 10 biggest dating annoyances that can grow into much bigger relationship problems down the road.
1. Mr. No Sense of Humor
Without laughter, there is no humility. Having a partner who can laugh at himself, will give your relationship the occasional break from the seriousness of life. This will allow you to be healthier, more rested, and better able to cope with life’s greater challenges.
2. Mr. Always an Excuse
Some men always have an excuse. No matter what happens, he blames someone (or something) for why he failed to meet expectations. If your dating partner refuses to admit when he’s done wrong, how can you expect him to take the time to learn how to do right?
3. Mr. Chronically Late
A man who is never on time, is saying in a passive-aggressive way, you’re just not as important as you think you are. If you were to explain to him how crucial it is that he comes through this one time, and he still lets you down; you can probably look forward to continued disappointment for the rest of your life.
4. Mr. Insecure
Mothering a dating partner who is unsure about themselves is exhausting and unproductive. You can never offer enough love and warmth to a man who does not believe he deserves it.
5. Mr. Broken Promise
It’s hard to believe in someone who won’t follow through with what they say. If he was really willing to change, you’d see it in his actions, not his words.
6. Mr. Obsessive Personality
Being overly obsessed with anything can become negative over time, whether it be with porn, gawking at other women, gambling, or alcohol. It is one thing to accept someone for their obsessions, but it is an entirely different experience to live with them.
7. Mr. Lack of Passion
Passion is more than the throes that occurs behind closed bedroom doors. It is the fire in your partner’s eyes whenever you talk about your future together. The excitement behind one’s untold story is one of the most essential elements to maintaining commitment through the windy road of any long-term relationship.
8. Mr. Indecisive
Some men want their women to guide them through life, so they don’t have to face the responsibility of making their own choices. The decisions of one adult (you) is more than enough for any woman to be responsible for.
9. Mr. Temper-Tantrum
Bad tempers are dangerous and unhealthy. A man who is always angry, is aggravated with himself. However, since he can’t seem to direct this attention where it truly belongs, his loved ones will be the ones who will suffer the most.
10. Mr. Inflexible
One thing about life, is you can’t count on anything ever being the same. Partners who are inflexible are incapable of compromise, understanding, and accepting change for the better.
A lady deserves a gentlemen. So, never overlook these 10 unforgivable dating deal breakers.