If half a cookie is great, then an entire cookie should be even better. And you might as well pour yourself a full glass of milk, rather than a half–and since you are being so generous with the milk, wouldn’t it be even better to eat four or five cookies and drive everywhere at 120 mph?
We know that moderation is the key to a happy and healthy life, but when we are trying to cut corners to get to the good stuff quicker, it can be all to easy to overdo it. Dating happens to be one of these times when too little can be bad, a little more can be better, and a whole lot more can be devastating.
While I wish I could give you a number as to the proper number of suitors that a girl can handle–the truth is, every girl can handle a different amount. Sometimes the best way to know if you’re overdoing it in the dating department, is to look out for these 11 signs (red flags).
1. Your dating calendar is more organized than your weekly menu plan– Dating is best when it happens naturally. If you are scheduling your dates like a weekly menu plan, then chances are you may not be in it for the right reasons.
2. You feel lonely when you’re not on a date– Being a single woman can be lonely. Some women find that the best way to deal with these feelings is to fill this void with a barrage of different men. The problem with this thinking is that you will never find happiness with another man until you’ve learned to be happy with just yourself.
3. You hate men– There are plenty of bad apples out there. However, if you consistently picking bad, you should slow down the pace and focus more on quality over quantity. Here are a few tips to finding a good man.
4. You hate happy women– It is easy to become jealous of the women who are happy in their relationships. It is also easy to hate cookie sandwiches and blame them for making you eat them. The truth is, you are in control of your life. Perhaps you need to take some time to get to know yourself better before reaching out for a relationship.
5. You rarely take a break between men– Every relationship teaches you lessons that you can use to make your next relationship even better. If you are not taking the time to learn from these lessons, you might be perpetuating the same mistakes over and over.
6. Butterflies are no longer a part of your first date jitters– Believe it or not, being nervous for a first date is a great sign. It signals that a man is worthy enough to make you want things to go well. If a man is not worthy of your time, it won’t matter as much and you won’t be nervous about the outcome.
7. You lie to date multiple men– Sooner or later, if you add enough men to your dating roster, you’re going to need to start lying to them. It is difficult to foster any relationship that isn’t based on honesty. This makes it especially difficult to date a lot of men at one time. You’ll know the number is manageable when you can keep track without telling white fibs to keep things under control.
8. You are more focused on getting a boyfriend than enjoying life– Men are most attracted to women with fulfilling lives. If you are too focused on getting into a relationship, I can almost guarantee that most men will not be intrigued enough to stay around to get to know the real you.
9. You’re more focused on a ‘type’ than a good man– Good men come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Once you start to search for men like your shopping at Macy’s, you may be too focused on what a relationship can bring to you–rather than what you can bring to a worthy man.
10. You date mostly bad boys– Yes, bad boys are sexy, mysterious and fun. However, if you are dating them almost exclusively, you are probably avoiding getting into a real relationship. Now, there are good and bad reasons for this, but it is a good idea to know which category you fit in.
11. You crave solitude– Your body needs to have ‘me’ time. It is essential to your happiness. If you feel like you never have time for yourself–you probably don’t, and need to schedule some pronto.
There is no such thing as quantity over quality in the dating world. Take your time and make sure that each dating experience you invest in is worth the effort.