Don’t you just hate articles that promise to make you “better this year”. Not because you don’t want to be great, but because you doubt any huge epiphany can be found within 600 words or so.
But… you would be wrong.
It is true that there has never been a magic formula to becoming better, but there are some very tried and true methods to self improvement, and quite frankly, you could never be reminded of them often enough.
Have a Detailed Plan
There are just so many things I want to do with my life, but when I focus my actions to attaining all of these at once, I end up shooting off into different directions every couple of minutes, and my focus and effectiveness becomes lost in all that enthusiasm. There is no right or wrong way to make a plan, as long as it is specific, gives you purpose, drives excitement, keeps you focused, and reminds you of who you are and what is really important in your life.
Join a Posse (Because You Can’t Shouldn’t Do it Alone)
You can do it on your own, but you’d be better off not thinking that way. I used to pride myself in the thought that I did not need anybody to succeed because I could do it all, including career, relationships, meal planning/cooking, health management, plumbing, automotive repair, and the list goes on. And then I started to think about all that time that goes into earning and fitting into all these different hats. “The question is who is going to help you, not how are you going to do it alone,” says author and entrepreneur, Tiffany Dufu. You may have made it this far on your own, but you will reach greater heights if you have a posse to support each others efforts.
Use a Daily Planner
I was going to title this: “Get a Daily Planner” but who are we kidding, you probably already own 10 to 20 partially filled daily planners. It isn’t owning a daily planner that matters, but how you use it, or more fundamentally, just using it, period. Planners help to keep you in line to reaching your goals by holding you to target dates. They also make great reminders of what motivates you, your lists, and important dates to remember. Planners can help juggle your personal life with your work so that you can maintain health and happiness on your way to achieving greatness. What can’t a daily planner do? Well, it can’t cook you a balanced meal, but it will remind you of why, when, and how to (which is good enough for me).
Save and Invest Your Money
“Treat your savings account like just another bill,” says Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso. “It has to be paid every month, or there are consequences.” Your savings account may be the only financial buffer you have when things turn South. Even when you are in a mode of “survival,” you should still continue to build that buffer using whatever you can set back (you’ll thank yourself later). beyond a savings account, investing your money can become a very effective side hustle so long as you research the market and get your feet wet before jumping into anything too deep.
Keep Your Space Clean and Clear
Chances are you’ve been spending a lot of time at home, and your home has probably taken on that “extreme lived-in” appearance. Lived in can be one thing, but clutter is something completely different. While your goals and intentions may be clear, not having the same order in your everyday surroundings can sabotage your overall effectiveness. Clutter can make you feel overwhelmed, stressed, unmotivated, and will interrupt your focus in little ways, like looking at that pile of clothes in your closet and thinking to yourself, ‘I really need to get to that someday.’ A good rule of thumb is to keep your space clean and clear no matter how often you use something. If you don’t know where to start, I highly suggest the Konmari Method.
These are the five things that made me a better woman last year, and I have a feeling they will do the same for you in the coming year.