Ladies, are you tired of hours of spin class and the gym and still not getting the results you always wanted?
Whether you have a beautiful booty may no longer require phenomenal genetics, squats, or the introduction to a great plastic surgeon. Is it possible that all you really need is the right pants?
So, we heard about the brand, Freddy WR.UP and decided that it was time we get acquainted with Freddy a bit more intimately. And by intimately, we’re referring to the rather “handsy” action of these pants, which are advertised to push, pull, and sculpt your rear into somewhat of a masterpiece (we’re just hoping it won’t be a Picasso).
And we’re going to save you from all the tugging, pulling, and name-calling that went into building our opinions of these jeans – and just come right out and say it. Do these pants work? Well, yeah, they are inspired by the principle of a jockstrap. A guy’s bare bum looks fantastic in a jockstrap because of those two straps that loop under the cheeks and tug upwards. These pants have a similar idea with support seams that loop both above and under your cheeks to push whatever junk you’ve got back there outward.
There is also a bit of illusion going on with the heart shape denim cuts and yellow stitching, but despite any illusion, you are going to end up with the appearance of a slightly altered booty. But there is a cost (literally, and figuratively).
These aren’t particularly cheap at over $100 a pair. Nor are they expensive for a really great pair of fitted designer jeans, but we’re not so sure we’d call these “fitted”. Maybe, more like squashed, mashed, or jammed, because these suckers are tight. But they have to be in order to smooth out any dimples and give you all that boost.
And we’re not so sure we’d call these “designer”, as the design is more pragmatic than artistic. The fabric is also a bit fragile, and the quality can be touch and go depending on how much you struggle to get these on. In other words, the more you pinch and pull, the sooner you’ll eventually find yourself with a hole.
The “End”
But we do like WR.UP jeans, we just think you should go into a pair with reasonable expectations, a reasonable sale price, and the right amount of “dough” for these pants to mold (slimmer rear ends may have better results based on our tests).
Get them on Amazon.