The perfect man must have a good sense of humor, be honest, have strong morals, be goal-oriented, desire to have a family, and feature an inquisitive curiosity. Wait a minute, did I just say curiosity? That’s not usually an important characteristic that most women are looking for. However, according to most research, it should be.
The Benefits of a Curious Man
The curiosity of a potential mate can tell you a lot about their personality traits, and the success of any future relationship with him. For instance, you’ll want to pay particular attention to his:
Intelligence– Psychological studies suggest that there is a correlation between higher IQ and a high level of curiosity. In other words, children who are curious about their surroundings, grow to be intelligent adults.
Happiness– Surveying 130 nations, researchers found that what truly makes a man happy, is learning and experiencing new things. It is agreed by most psychologists that this highly desired experience in life, is highly dependent on ones curiosity.
Health– Researchers followed 1,000 participants, age 65 to 86, for a five year period after rating their curiosity and health. What they found, was no matter how unhealthy an individual was, if their curiosity was high, they stood a much greater chance of living beyond the conclusion of the study.
Passion– The more curious a man is, the more likely he will be driven to find out more about you, and subsequently become more passionate about who you are. He will also be more passionate towards his career, hobbies, and family.
Past Relationships– In studies, curious men rated their level of satisfaction in past relationships higher than other men, and this is believed to be because of their innate interest in their partner.
What to Look for in a Curious Man
A good man is one who is truly interested in you. Over the course of a first date, ask yourself these questions: Does he ask questions about your career, interests, dreams, desires, and hobbies? As you talk about yourself, does he seem to become even more interested, promoting further questioning? The curious man may also look for similarities between your life story and his, finding creative ways to relate and connect with you.
At the other end of the spectrum, is a type of man who may appear quite charming, but he will be much less interested in learning about you. You may find yourself asking all the questions, and will find the answers resembling not only a lack of curiosity (“I don’t know”, “I’ll have to think about that”), but may also show signs of overt criticism, prejudice, and the inability to compromise (“My ex drove a BMW, if that tells you anything”, “She wouldn’t stick to my plan”).
How to Recognize a Curious Man?
To find a curious man, you will need to become a curious woman. Despite what you may think, curiosity can be a learned trait, and it starts by gaining more interest in yourself. A curious man knows what he wants in life. He has dreams and goals, but is also flexible enough to alter those if the occasion requires. A curious man invests in his partner, supporting her career and goals. He should be playful and fun to be around. When a disagreement arises, he will collaborate with you, offering creative ideas about how you two can compromise.
So, the next time you’re on a dinner date, and the guy reaches for the salt rather than investigating the house seasoning mix, he just might be telling you more about the future of your relationship than you realize.