As a woman, you should never underestimate the power of mentorship. A mentor can solidify your success by using two key methods. By giving you knowledge you never had, and by allowing yourself to gain confidence in your abilities once you put some of that knowledge into play with good results.
And there are all sorts of wonderful mentors out there who know how to build amazing relationships, careers, businesses, lives, and legacies. You probably already know several, but we’d like to introduce you to a handful more. And while their mentorship card has a backlog beyond most of our reach, they have been kind enough to organize all their knowledge into manuals designed specifically to help you become a better woman. It will cost you a bit of money to gain this knowledge, but we think that it’s absolutely worth it!
Self-Love Workbook for Women
By Megan Logan
We like to take a large role in our self-improvement, and Megan Logan offers such an approach in her book, the Self-Love Workbook for Women. Inside you will find quizzes and activities designed to make you fall in love with yourself all over again (sometimes even for the first time, for some).
Get it here.
The Source of Self-Regard
By Toni Morrison
There are gifted teachers and guides, and then there are women like Toni Morrison who can interject an observation that lights a ember in your core and values and ends up changing you in some important and inspirational way – forever.
Get it here.
The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
By Gary Chapman
Every man speaks his own love language. If you do not yet understand how your man shows love, or how to express yourself in a way that he will understand, this book by Dr. Chapman offers actionable advice on what it takes to create and maintain an everlasting relationship.
Get it here.
Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life
By Admiral William H. McRaven
There are so many things that a woman has to do every single day of her life. It is easy to begin to quit certain things that you just don’t have time for, like taking care of yourself. Who would have thought that making your bed could become the single best way to start each day. But it’s true, and this book is full of plenty more simple ideas on how to organize and conquer.
Get it here.
Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence
By Esther Perel
A lot of our favorite books have been written to help women get into great relationships. But once you master that, you’re going to be facing a new (some might say even more difficult) challenge – how to keep it.
Get it here.